Sunday, 11 August 2024
Tuesdays – Fridays: 9.30am – 3pm | During the school term
The parish phone, 07 378 7440, will be manned between Tuesdays – Fridays: 9.30am – 3pm. Outside these hours, please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Questions for the Week:
First Reading:
The prophet Elijah was exhausted and prayed for death under a broom tree. How do you help a friend or family member who has such despair?
Second Reading:
Paul’s high standard for living in the community of believers was literally unheard of in the ancient world. How can any community of faith achieve such an ideal way of living?
Despite opposition from those who knew Jesus and his family personally, Jesus offered eternal life to all who believe in him. How can someone remain open to new or challenging ideas?
Introducing Fr Danny Fraser-Jones
Thanks to everyone who has so graciously welcomed me to the parish. My intention is to be used by God as a priestly instrument, helping the people of God grow in holiness. As a priest, I have a deep love for the Sacraments and a desire for us all to become fully alive in Christ. I am looking forward to getting to know you and learning how our beautiful Catholic faith is impacting your lives.
Fr. Danny
Here’s what's happening
Sunday, 11 August: 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
5pm Saturday Vigil Mass, Tūrangi | 9am Mass, Taupō
PACT - Confirmation Preparation
After 9am Mass | Taupō
Divine Mercy
3pm | Taupō
Monday, 12 August
Tim Tam Connect | Book Club
10.00am | Taupō
7pm | Taupō
Tuesday, 13 August
9am | Taupō
Healers’ Connect | Ministry to the Sick
9.30am | Taupō
Tuesday Community Lunch
1pm | Taupō (then weekly during school term)
Youth Group
6pm - 7.15pm (Year 7&8) | Taupō (weekly during school term)
6.30 pm – 8pm (Years 9–13) | Taupō (weekly during school term)
Wednesday, 14 August
Mass - This week only
9am | Taupō
Depth Charge Connect
10am | Dennis and Catherine Hancock’s place (weekly during school term)
Mahjong Connect
1.30pm | Cafe | Taupō
Ave Connect | Rosary
7pm | Church | Taupō
Following Christ
7pm | Taupō
Thursday, 15 August: The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
9.15am Mass, Taupō | 12 noon Mass, Turangi | 7pm Mass, Taupō
Ave Connect | Rosary
11.30am | Church | Tūrangi
Purl Connect
1pm | Lesley McIntosh’s place
Endurance Connect | Men’s Group
7pm | Cafe (then weekly during school term)
Friday, 16 August
12pm | Taupō
Divine Mercy
3pm | Taupō
Praise & Worship
6pm | Taupō
Women’s Connect
7pm | Taupō
Saturday, 17 August
9am | Taupō
9.30am | Taupō
Sunday, 18 August: 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
5pm Saturday Vigil Mass, Tūrangi | 9am Mass, Taupō
Divine Mercy
3pm | Taupō
Monday, 19 August
7pm | Taupō
Tuesday, 20 August
9am | Taupō
Tuesday Community Lunch
1pm | Taupō (then weekly during school term)
Youth Group
6pm - 7.15pm (Year 7&8) | Taupō (weekly during school term)
6.30 pm – 8pm (Years 9–13) | Taupō (weekly during school term)
Wednesday, 21 August
Depth Charge Connect
10am | Dennis and Catherine Hancock’s place (weekly during school term)
Ave Connect | Rosary
11.30am | Church | Tūrangi
7pm | Church | Taupō
Mahjong Connect
1.30pm | Cafe | Taupō
Following Christ
7pm | Taupō
Thursday, 22 August
9am | Taupō
Purl Connect
1pm | Lesley McIntosh’s place
Endurance Connect | Men’s Group
7pm | Cafe (then weekly during school term)
Friday, 23 August
12pm | Taupō
Divine Mercy
3pm | Taupō
Saturday, 24 August
9am | Taupō
9.30am | Taupō
Following Christ Retreat Day
9am - 3pm | Taupō
Sunday, 25 August: 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
5pm Saturday Vigil Mass, Tūrangi | 9am Mass, Taupō
Divine Mercy
3pm | Taupō
Monday, 26 August
7pm | Taupō
Tuesday, 27 August
Tuesday Community Lunch
1pm | Taupō (then weekly during school term)
Youth Group
6pm - 7.15pm (Year 7&8) | Taupō (weekly during school term)
6.30 pm – 8pm (Years 9–13) | Taupō (weekly during school term)
Wednesday, 28 August
Depth Charge Connect
10am | Dennis and Catherine Hancock’s place (weekly during school term)
Ave Connect | Rosary
11.30am | Church | Tūrangi
6.30pm | Church | Taupō | Please note change of time
Mahjong Connect
1.30pm | Cafe | Taupō
Following Christ
7pm | Taupō
Thursday, 29 August
9am | Taupō
Purl Connect
1pm | Lesley McIntosh’s place
Endurance Connect | Men’s Group
7pm | Cafe (then weekly during school term)
Friday, 30 August
12noon | Taupō
Divine Mercy
3pm | Taupō
Ministers for Sunday, 11 August
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time(B)
Ahead of the 2025 Jubilee, Pope Francis has inaugurated a Year of Prayer.
Click the image to explore the Diocese of Hamilton Year of Prayer Resources
Sunday Mass Schedule
Vigil Mass: Saturdays, 5pm | Tūrangi
Sunday Mass: Sunday, 9am | Taupō
Weekday Mass Schedule
Monday: 7pm | Taupō
Tuesday: 9am | Taupō
Wednesday: 12noon | Tūrangi
Thursday: 9am | Taupō
Friday: 12noon | Taupō
Saturday: 9am | Taupō
Public Holidays: 9am | Taupō
Confessions | Reconciliation | Penance
Wednesday: After Mass | Tūrangi
Saturday: 9.30am | Taupō
By appointment: Ring 07 378 7440 OR see Fr Danny in person
Monday – Saturday: 30 minutes before Mass | Taupō
Regular Events
Anointing of the Sick Mass
2nd Wednesday of the month | 12noon | Tūrangi
2nd Friday of the month | 12noon | Taupō
Ave Connect | Rosary
Wednesdays 11.30am, Tūrangi | 7pm, Taupō
Community Lunch
Tuesdays | 1pm | Cafe
(weekly during school term)
Depth Charge Connect
Wednesdays | 10am | Dennis & Catherine Hancock’s place
(weekly during school term)
Divine Mercy
Fridays & Sundays | 3pm | Taupō
Endurance Connect
Thursdays | 7pm | Cafe
(weekly during school term)
Healers’ Connect | Care for the Sick & Housebound
2nd Tuesday of the month | after 9am Mass | Cafe
Mahjong Connect
Wednesdays | 1.30pm | Taupō
Movie Night
1st Friday of the month | 6pm | Taupō
(except during Lent)
Praise & Worship
3rd Friday of the month (except during Lent) | 6pm | Taupō
Prayer for Life
1st Sunday of the month | after Mass | Chapel
Purl Connect
Thursdays | 1.00 pm | Lesley Mac’s place
2nd Thursday of the month | 5.30pm | Cafe
SVDP Lunch
2nd Friday of the month | after Mass | Cafe
Tim Tam Connect | Book Club
2nd Monday of the month | 10am | Cafe
Women Connect
3rd Friday of the month | 7pm | Cafe
Youth Group
6pm - 7.15pm (Years 7&8) | Taupō
6.30pm– 8pm (Years 9 - 13) | Taupō
(weekly during school term)