Sunday, 15 December 2024
3rd Sunday of Advent
Questions for the Week:
The prophet Zephaniah speaks of a future joyful time of God’s forgiveness and return to his people, Israel. What excites you most as you think about the future?
Paul encourages the Christians in Philippi to be a community that rejoices and finds peace with God. What could you celebrate this Advent season with family or friends?
GOSPEL: LUKE 3:10-18
John the Baptist encouraged the crowds, tax collectors, and soldiers to live ethically in very practical ways. How could this apply to your life this week?
A Word from Fr Danny:
John the Baptist appears again this Sunday, and in response to the question, “What must we do?” he answers on the level of justice: share with those who have none and do not charge more than is due. Contrast this with Christ in John’s Gospel, when Jesus is asked, “What must we do if we are to do the works that God wants?” Christ responds, “You must believe in the one he has sent.”
Yes, our moral life is important—the things we should do—but before that, we are called to faith: to believe in Christ. The good news is that Christ has been sent to us and continues to be sent. What is Christmas if not the celebration of Christ being sent to us? We do not need to go searching for Him; instead, we must be open to being found by Him.
The entrance antiphon, which we would have heard if there were no processional hymn, proclaims this same truth: “Gaudéte in Dómino semper: íterum dico, gaudéte. Dóminus enim prope est.” (“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice. Indeed, the Lord is near.”)
- Fr Danny
Since it’s humble beginnings in 2018, our Community Lunch has grown into a valued weekly event, serving around 30 people every Tuesday. It’s a wonderful opportunity for our parish and the wider Taupō community to connect over delicious food in a welcoming and friendly environment - truly bringing the love of Christ to others.
This success is thanks to Msgr Trevor’s vision and hospitality, Margaret Beck’s organisation, and the dedication of our incredible team of volunteers who set up, cook, bake, serve, and clean up each week. A huge thank-you to everyone involved!
After years of leadership, Margaret is ready to hand over the reins. Do you have a gift for organisation and a passion for community? If so, please contact Margaret Beck to continue this wonderful initiative that nourishes both body and spirit.
I love watching the people enjoying coming together as they make new friends. It is a privilege to be able to serve everyone. I also loved Msgr Trevor’s enthusiasm and the joy we all feel as we servers come together for coffee and sharing afterwards. We get as much as we give! … Leslie
Here’s what's happening
Sunday, 15 December: 3RD Sunday of Advent
5pm Saturday Vigil Mass, Tūrangi | 9am Mass, Taupō
8.30am | Chapel | Taupō
Divine Mercy
3pm | Taupō
Monday, 16 December
7pm | Taupō
Tuesday, 17 December
9am | Chapel | Taupō
Wednesday, 18 December
Ave Connect | Rosary
11.30am | Church | Tūrangi
12noon | Church | Tūrangi
Fair-Weather Gardeners
12pm - 3pm | Taupō
Ave Connect | Rosary
7pm | Church | Taupō
Advent Reconciliation
7pm | Tūrangi
Thursday, 19 December
9am | Chapel | Taupō
Advent Reconciliation
7pm | Taupō
Friday, 20 December
12pm | Church | Taupō
Divine Mercy
3pm | Church | Taupō
Saturday, 21 December
9am | Chapel | Taupō
9.30am | Chapel | Taupō
Sunday, 22 December: 4th Sunday of Advent
5pm Saturday Vigil Mass, Tūrangi | 9am Mass, Taupō
8.30am | Chapel | Taupō
Divine Mercy
3pm | Taupō
Monday, 23 December
7pm | Taupō
Tuesday, 24 December
9am | Chapel | Taupō
Christmas Eve Mass
5pm | Tūrangi
Christmas Eve Mass
8pm | Church | Taupō
Midnight Mass
Midnight | Church | Taupō
Wednesday, 25 December Christmas Day
Christmas Mass
9am | Church | Taupō
Thursday, 26 December
9am | Chapel | Taupō
Friday, 27 December
12pm | Church | Taupō
Divine Mercy
3pm | Church | Taupō
Saturday, 28 December
9am | Chapel | Taupō
9.30am | Chapel | Taupō
Vigil Mass | The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph
5pm | Church | Tūrangi
Ministers for Sunday, 15 December
3rd Sunday of Advent
Don’t our gardens look beautiful?! If you’re keen to lend a hand on a casual basis, to pull a few weeds, come along on a Wednesday anytime between 12noon and 3pm and join some of our gardening team.
Do you feel called to respond to the invitation of Our Lady Queen of Peace to be with her in Medjugorje? Millions of pilgrims have responded and have experienced an extraordinary, grace-filled pilgrimage. Join Mir Pilgrimages and chaplain Fr Joy Thottamkara on a group pilgrimage departing 22 May 2025 for 10 fulfilling days and nights experiencing 'Medjugorje In-Depth'. See your parish noticeboard or call Patricia Parsons on 027 421 9064.
Ahead of the 2025 Jubilee, Pope Francis has inaugurated a Year of Prayer.
Click the image to explore the Diocese of Hamilton Year of Prayer Resources