Sunday, 25 February 2024
2nd Sunday of Lent
Jesus took Peter, James, and John and led them up a high mountain apart by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his clothes became dazzling white, such as no fuller on earth could bleach them.
Gospel of Mark 9: 2-3
Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD.
Inspiration of the Week
The TRANSFIGURATION left the disciples with more questions than answers. What had they just seen? What had they just heard? They were confused, but they trusted Jesus. Let's follow in their example, trusting in God's care as we journey deeper into Lent.
Gospel Meditation
Encouraging Deeper Understanding of Scripture
As a college student, my prized possession was an after-market car stereo. It was my pride and joy: glorious audio, eye-catching display screen, and multi-disc CD changer. It drained my hard- earned dollars, but it was totally worth it. It drenched me in music everywhere I drove. On Ash Wednesday of my senior year of college, Father Tom, the Jesuit priest at my university said, "Pray for God to tell you what he wants you to sacrifice for Lent." I did. In my heart, the answer came: "Give up listening to your car stereo for forty days." | winced. Not possible, I thought. Can't do it. I made other plans. The next morning, I was stunned to find that my car had been broken into, and my fancy stereo ripped out and stolen.
God's command to sacrifice what we love is no joke. This week in Genesis 22, God says: "Abraham!" "Here I am," he replied. Then God said, "Take your son, your only son, whom you love - Isaac - and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you." Believe me, I know. We like to be in control. It chaffs us that God sets the terms of what we must sacrifice, and how. But this is no impersonal, tyrannical process. Remember that God uses their names, Abraham and Isaac. God knows each one of us and the precious gifts He commands us to offer. Finally, our sacrifices are for our own good. Do we trust this enough to do what Father Tom asked me to do?
Lenten challenge: This week, I dare you to ask God: "What do you want me to give up?" He may ask for that which you love most. It will be something precious to you: time, money, a relationship, a dream, an opportunity. What matters is we trust Him and act sacrificially in line with His command. Whatever we sacrifice will of course come back to us as surely as the Risen Jesus - but that doesn't make it easy.
- Father John Muir
© LP1 2024
Questions of the Week
Invite Parishioners to Reflect and Respond to Scripture
First Reading
Abraham passed God's test to offer his beloved son, Isaac, as a sacrifice.
Have you ever felt tested by God?
Second Reading
Paul speaks of God's generous love and affection for us, ever willing to defend and protect us.
As we continue the Lenten journey, to whom might you offer some comfort and care this week?
Gospel Reading
witnessing Jesus' transfiguration, hearing God's voice, and commanded to silence, Peter, James, and John must have been spiritually and emotionally drained.
What helps energise you spiritually?
Sharing the Word of God
with our children
God, I can hardly wait to see Jesus glowing in heaven.
Mission for the Week
Make some lemonade with your family. Then add food coloring to completely change the way it looks. As you mix the ingredients together, talk about how Jesus was completely changed.
Sharing the Gospel
Start with a pile of blocks. Add your imagination and you can build a castle or a city. You can change that pile of blocks to look completely different and wonderful. In today's Gospel, Jesus was completely changed. He started out looking like an ordinary man. Then, right in front of Peter, James and John, something happened. Jesus glowed brightly like the sun. Even his clothes became bright white. Talk about changing into something different and wonderful! God let Peter, James and John see Jesus as he looks now in heaven.
Here’s what's happening in February/March
Sunday, 25 February: Seek (Baptism Course)
Welcoming new members to the parish: After Mass | Faith Formation Centre. (See advertisement below)
Tuesday, 27 February: Tuesday Community Lunch
1.00 pm | Taupō (then weekly during school term)
Tuesday, 27 February: Youth Groups
6.00 pm – 7.00pm (Years 7 & 8) | 7.00 pm – 7.30pm (dinner) | 7.30 pm – 8.45pm (Years 9 & 13) | Taupō (weekly during school term)
Tuesday, 27 February: Parish Leadership Team
Welcoming new members to the parish: 7pm | Faith Formation Centre
Wednesday, 28 February: Depth Charge Connect
10.00 am | Dennis and Catherine Hancock’s place (weekly during school term)
Wednesday, 28 February: Foundations
6.00 pm | Cafe (then weekly during Lent)
Thursday, 29 February: Endurance Connect | Men’s Group
7.00 pm | Cafe (then weekly during school term)
Thursday, 29 February: Parish Finance Council (PFC)
7pm | last Thursday of the month
Friday, 1 March: Stations of the Cross
Fridays in Lent, 6.45pm (February – March):
Indian community
Friday, 1 March: Women’s Group Pietà Lenten Study
7.30pm: Church
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
For the last twelve months four people in the parish have been learning about the Church and what it means to be Catholic.
LENT IS A SPECIAL TIME for them as they journey towards Easter.
At the Easter Vigil they will be welcomed into the Church through baptism & the Holy Spirit. They will profess with us the Faith of the Church. Then, they will join us at the Altar of the Lord, so be nourished with the Body and Blood of Christ.
The Rite of Election
On Sunday, 18 February, Suzy, Luke, Cameron and Seonah celebrated the Rite of Election which begins with these words …
Dear parishioners, these catechumens have asked to be initiated into the sacramental life of the Church this Easter. Those who know them have judged them to be sincere in their desire. During the period of their preparation they have listened to the word of Christ and endeavoured to follow his commands; they have shared the company of their Christian brothers and sisters and joined with them in prayer.
And so I announce to all of you here that our community has decided to call them to the sacraments. Therefore, I ask their godparents to state their opinion once again, so that all of you may hear.
He addresses the godparents:
As God is your witness, do you consider these candidates worthy to be admitted to the sacraments of Christian initiation?
Have you been considering baptism for your child or infant? Now is your chance for 2024. Our awesome SEEK programme starts on Sunday 25 February.
SEEK is a fun and interactive 5 week adventure for parents and their children as they explore faith and journey towards baptism. We can’t wait to have you join us for the adventure.
During one of the SEEK Baptism sessions in 2023, participant were given some mustard seeds (they’re tiny) and encouraged to plant them and see how much they grew. Here’s a photo of the flourishing mustard plant grown from the tiny seed.
From small beginnings big things grow. So too with our FAITH. It may start out small but with the right care and nourishment it too will flourish.
A HUGE THANK YOU to Ivan Salida who donated boxes of oranges and bananas. Parishioners, school children and our Tuesday Community Lunch guests were the lucky recipients.
Lenten Pilgrimage 2024
On Saturday, 17 February, a group of parishioners travelled to Tyburn Monastery, Ngakura, as part of our Lenten Pilgrimage. A wonderful day was had by all. There was the chance for prayer and silence. Many took the opportunity to exploring the different ‘sacred spaces’ the monastery has to offer. Fr Aidan Mulholland gave a fantastic talk on the Lent as a time to say YES to God’s love for each of us.
In the photos below we are praying the Stations of the Cross.
Fridays & Sundays during Lent 3pm | Taupō
Fridays during Lent | 6.45pm | Taupō
Booklet will be printed and available each Friday.
16 Feb: Filipino community
23 Feb: Tokelau community
1 Mar: Indian community
8 Mar: Pākeha community
15 Mar: Māori community
22 Mar: School community
Fridays during Lent | Starts 16 February 2024, 7.30pm |
During Lent come and celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Confession | Penance
The word LENT comes from an old English word meaning “spring,” or “a new birth”. This time of year helps us to renew our lives as Catholics and renew our life in Jesus, his Church, and his Father.
The three traditional pillars of Lent are prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
Through these three pillars we journey to develop a closer relationship to God.
The Time Is Now
Lenten Envelopes are available in the church foyers. This is one of the ways we can give alms.
Click on the images below for the daily Lenten reflection.
Maintenance Update
Work began this week on the replacement of all the water pipes to the church and the presbytery. The original pipes are nearly forty years old with the growing possibility of major leaks and complete failure. The Parish Finance Council made their replacement a priority for 2024.
Like so many similar projects, the extent of the work is unknown until the digging starts. Previously unknown pipes have been uncovered; two major leaks to the presbytery have been found …
This will be a costly project. The estimate to date is around $16,000. The final cost will not be known until the work is completed.
Two parishioners have already made donations towards this project. If there are other parishioners who are in a position to assist, please know that your donations will be most gratefully received.
Sunday Mass Schedule
Vigil Mass: Saturdays, 5pm | Tūrangi
Sunday Mass: Sunday, 9am | Taupō
Weekday Mass Schedule
Monday: 7pm | Taupō
Tuesday: 9am | Taupō
Wednesday: 12noon | Tūrangi
Thursday: 9am | Taupō
Friday: 12noon | Taupō
Saturday: 9am | Taupō
Public Holidays: 9am | Taupō
Confessions | Reconciliation | Penance
Wednesday: After Mass | Tūrangi
Saturday: 9.30am | Taupō
Monday – Saturday: 30 minutes before Mass | Taupō
Regular Events
Prayer for Life
1st Sunday of the month | after Mass | Cafe
Tim Tam Connect | Book Club
2nd Monday of the month | 10am | Cafe
Youth Groups
6.00 pm – 7.00pm (Years 7 & 8) | 7.00 pm – 7.30pm (dinner) | 7.30 pm – 8.45pm (Years 9 & 13) | Taupō
(weekly during school term)
Healers’ Connect | Care for the Sick & Housebound
2nd Tuesday of the month | after 9am Mass | Cafe
Community Lunch
Tuesdays during the school term | 1pm | Cafe
Depth Charge Connect
Wednesdays during the school term | 10am | Dennis & Catherine Hancock’s place
Wednesdays 11.30am, Tūrangi | 7pm, Taupō
Purl Connect
Thursdays | 1.00 pm | Lesley Mac’s place
2nd Thursday of the month | 5.30pm | Cafe
Endurance Connect
Thursdays during the school term | 7pm | Cafe
Anointing of the Sick Mass
2nd Friday of the month | 12noon | Taupō
SVDP Lunch
2nd Friday of the month | after Mass | Cafe
Divine Mercy
Fridays & Sundays | 3pm | Taupō
Praise & Worship
3rd Friday of the month (except during Lent) | 6pm | Taupō
Film Evening
1st Friday of the month (except during Lent) | 6pm | Taupō