Sunday, 24 March 2024
Palm Sunday
The Entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem
‘As long as the day lasts I must carry out the work of the one who sent me; the night will soon be here when no one can work.
As long as I am in the world I am the light of the world.’
Gospel of John 9: 3-5
Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD.
Inspiration of the Week
The crowds of Jerusalem beautified the path of Jesus as he came into the city, offering their own cloaks in homage. Let us make way in our hearts for the King as we enter into Holy Week.
Those preceding him as well as those following kept crying out: "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the kingdom of our father David that is to come! Hosanna in the highest!"
Mark 11:9-10
Gospel Meditation
Encouraging Deeper Understanding of Scripture
A few months before they married, my twenty-three-year-old sister and her fiancé planned a cross-country road trip to visit his family. My parents told them that they could only go if they slept in separate hotel rooms, offering to foot the bill. It might sound prudish, but my parents wanted the young couple to understand that their approaching unity was close, but not yet. Patience solidifies love.
What could this possibly have to do with Palm Sunday? It's usually overlooked, but the Gospels tell us that, after entering Jerusalem, Jesus "looked around ... and since it was late, went out to Bethany with the twelve" (Mk 11:11) for the night. Who cares? Why include this detail? Jews in those days believed that the new Davidic King would one day re-enter and "marry" the city. A new future marked by fidelity would begin for God's people. Israel's God would be in union with His people forever. Without over-sexualizing the metaphor, perhaps Jesus refused to sleep in Jerusalem to remind us of his marital purpose. He was entering Jerusalem as the bridegroom-king. It was almost time, but not yet. Soon he will sleep in Jerusalem in the tomb and then something new will begin: his one body, his Church.
Lenten challenge: This Holy Week, I challenge you to keep this image in your mind all the way until Easter Sunday: Jesus is the faithful bridegroom who patiently prepares his bride for their new life together. Go to the Good Friday liturgy and kiss the cross. When you do, let that gesture be the long-awaited "I do" to our faithful God, who always waits for us.
- Father John Muir
© LP1 2024
Questions of the Week
Invite Parishioners to Reflect and Respond to Scripture
First Reading
Despite his suffering, we hear how the prophet Isaiah found strength in his faith and fidelity to God.
How does your faith help you through professional or family challenges?
Second Reading
Paul taught that central to Jesus's identity was his humility and obedience to God.
How well do you practice these Christian virtues?
Gospel Reading
We hear today Mark's account of the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.
Who are you in the story?
Kid’s Corner
God, I am so happy you sent Jesus to be my king.
Mission for the Week
Invite your Grandma over to visit. Ask her to read John 12:12-16 to you.
Sharing the Gospel
Your mom tells you, "Grandma should be here any minute." You watch out your window for her little red car to come down your street. After she parks her car, you run out to meet her. You are so happy she came to visit!
The people in today's Gospel were waiting for a king to come. This king would ride into Jerusalem, not in a little red car, but on a donkey. When the people saw Jesus riding on the donkey, they knew he was the king that they were waiting for. They ran out to meet him and waved palm branches in the air. They were so happy he came.
Ministers for Sunday, 24 March
Taupō & Tūrangi
Here’s what's happening in March
Sunday, 24 March: Palm Sunday
End of Lent
Monday, 25 March: Beginning of Holy Week
Tuesday, 26 March: Chrism Mass | Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Hamilton
Tuesday, 26 March: Tuesday Community Lunch
1.00 pm | Taupō
(then weekly during school term)
Tuesday, 26 March: Youth Groups
6.00 pm – 7.00pm (Years 7 & 8) | 7.00 pm – 7.30pm (dinner) | 7.30 pm – 8.45pm (Years 9 & 13) | Taupō
(weekly during school term)
Wednesday, 27 March: Depth Charge Connect
10.00 am | Dennis and Catherine Hancock’s place
(weekly during school term)
Wednesday, 27 March: Foundations
6.00 pm
Practice for Easter Vigil
Wednesday, 27 March: Taupō Choral Society | ”Requiem to Resurrection”
7.00 pm | See below
St Andrew’s Church, 91 Titiraupenga Street
Thursday, 28 March: NO 9am Mass | Taupō
See below
Thursday, 28 March: NO Endurance Connect | Men’s Group
See below
Thursday, 28 March: Mass of the Last Supper of the Lord | Taupō
7.00 pm
Friday, 29 March: Stations of the Cross | Tūrangi
10.00 am
Friday, 29 March: NO 12noon Mass | Taupō
See below
Friday, 29 March: The Passion of the Our Lord Jesus Christ | Taupō
3.00 pm
Saturday, 30 March: NO 9am Mass
See below
Saturday, 30 March: NO Vigil Mass in Tūrangi
See below
Saturday, 30 March: Holy Saturday Easter Vigil | Taupō
8.00 pm | See below
Sunday, 31 March: Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord | Taupō
9am | See below
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
For the last twelve months four people in the parish have been learning about the Church and what it means to be Catholic.
LENT IS A SPECIAL TIME for them as they journey towards Easter.
At the Easter Vigil they will be welcomed into the Church through baptism & the Holy Spirit. They will profess with us the Faith of the Church. Then, they will join us at the Altar of the Lord, so be nourished with the Body and Blood of Christ.
”Eternal Life in Christ”
To the Rudnicki family on the death of Anne Rudnicki,
a loving wife, mother and grandmother.
Eternal Rest grant to her, O Lord.
Anne Rudnicki
“May She Rest in Peace. Amen.”
”New Life in Christ”
Samuel Karter Tamepo
Samuel Karter Tamepo
son of Clayton & Sarah Tamepo
was baptised on 16 March 2024
in the Church of St Joseph the Worker, Tūrangi
New Zealand’s Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Novatus Rugambwa, has returned to Rome.
The archbishop left the country on Saturday and has arrived safely after a “smooth” journey, the NZ Catholic Bishops Conference says.
Rugambwa (pictured) is recovering from a stroke he suffered in Wellington last October. He will continue his rehabilitation at a Catholic facility in Rome.
Fridays & Sundays during Lent 3pm | Taupō
Fridays during Lent | 7.30pm |
During Lent come and celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Confession | Penance
Rite II Reconciliation Service
Celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession | Penance) is perfect way to prepare for Easter
The Time Is Now
Lenten Envelopes are available in the church foyers. This is one of the ways we can give alms.
Diocesan Family Weekend
Family weekend will be held 19 - 21 April 2023, central to Hamilton.
Accommodation is at Narrows Camp.
The theme for this year is based around the domestic church - what can we be doing in our homes.
Our guest speakers are Carrie and Luke McCormack, who have a passion for the domestic Church. They are members of the Emmanuel Community, Brisbane. Luke and Carrie are graduates from Encounter School of Ministry and are teachers at the Encounter School of Ministry Brisbane Campus.
Come & See
SAVE THE DATES! - Online booking will be available soon
All being held in the Hamilton area
Set Free April 22 - 24
Heaven Come 25 - 27
Year of Prayer 2024
Ahead of the 2025 Jubilee, Pope Francis has inaugurated a Year of Prayer.
He is calling on the faithful:
“to intensify prayer to prepare us to live well this event of grace and to experience the power of God’s hope.”
The Holy Father explains that the Year of Prayer is dedicated:
“to rediscovering the great value and absolute need for prayer, prayer in personal life, in the life of the Church, prayer in the world.”
To mark the Year of Prayer, the Dicastery for Evangelization has prepared a series of useful materials and aids which can be used by Christian communities and individuals in their preparations for the 2025 Jubilee.
The booklet, inspired by the teachings of Pope Francis, is written as an invitation to intensify prayer, understood as a personal dialogue with God, and to lead readers to reflect on their faith, and their
commitment in today's world, in the various contexts in which they are called to live.
The aim is to offer reflections, ideas, and advice to help people to live their dialogue with the Lord more fully in their relationships with others. The guide is made up of sections dedicated to prayer in the parish community, and in the family, with other sections dedicated to young people, cloistered communities, catechesis, and spiritual retreats.
Tyburn Monastery, Ngakuru &
Cluny Retreat Centre, Tauranga
Sunday Mass Schedule
Vigil Mass: Saturdays, 5pm | Tūrangi
Sunday Mass: Sunday, 9am | Taupō
Weekday Mass Schedule
Monday: 7pm | Taupō
Tuesday: 9am | Taupō
Wednesday: 12noon | Tūrangi
Thursday: 9am | Taupō
Friday: 12noon | Taupō
Saturday: 9am | Taupō
Public Holidays: 9am | Taupō
Confessions | Reconciliation | Penance
Wednesday: After Mass | Tūrangi
Saturday: 9.30am | Taupō
Monday – Saturday: 30 minutes before Mass | Taupō
Regular Events
Prayer for Life
1st Sunday of the month | after Mass | Cafe
Tim Tam Connect | Book Club
2nd Monday of the month | 10am | Cafe
Youth Groups
6.00 pm – 7.00pm (Years 7 & 8) | 7.00 pm – 7.30pm (dinner) | 7.30 pm – 8.45pm (Years 9 & 13) | Taupō
(weekly during school term)
Healers’ Connect | Care for the Sick & Housebound
2nd Tuesday of the month | after 9am Mass | Cafe
Community Lunch
Tuesdays during the school term | 1pm | Cafe
Depth Charge Connect
Wednesdays during the school term | 10am | Dennis & Catherine Hancock’s place
Wednesdays 11.30am, Tūrangi | 7pm, Taupō
Purl Connect
Thursdays | 1.00 pm | Lesley Mac’s place
2nd Thursday of the month | 5.30pm | Cafe
Endurance Connect
Thursdays during the school term | 7pm | Cafe
Anointing of the Sick Mass
2nd Friday of the month | 12noon | Taupō
SVDP Lunch
2nd Friday of the month | after Mass | Cafe
Divine Mercy
Fridays & Sundays | 3pm | Taupō
Praise & Worship
3rd Friday of the month (except during Lent) | 6pm | Taupō
Film Evening
1st Friday of the month (except during Lent) | 6pm | Taupō