Sunday, 27 October 2024
Questions for the Week:
Jeremiah speaks of a joyful future awaiting those Israelites who were in captivity in Babylon. What are some things you are looking forward to with joy?
Hebrews teaches us that God glorified Christ by making him the eternal “high priest.” What are some gifts you have received from God?
GOSPEL: MARK 10:46-52
The blind man, Bartimaeus, pleaded to Jesus and Jesus healed him saying, “your faith has saved you.” What worries or fears do you need to bring to the Lord?
A Word from Fr John Jolliffe:
The prophet Jeremiah rejoices in our merciful God leading us all back to safety, even the blind and the lame. The psalm also reflects this joy in God’s love and mercy. The Gospel continues this theme, telling the story of a poor blind beggar being healed of blindness and joyfully following Jesus as a faithful follower and disciple.
We now renew our sorrow for when we have been spiritually blind, and lost in sin, and we beg the Lord’s mercy and forgiveness as he leads us back to his love.
- Fr John Jolliffe sm
We extend our heartfelt thanks to Fr John for ministering to our community while Fr Danny has been away. We welcome Fr Danny back on Monday 28 October.
Here’s what's happening
Sunday, 27 October: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
5pm Saturday Vigil Mass, Tūrangi | 9am Mass, Taupō
Divine Mercy
3pm | Taupō
Monday, 28 October | Public Holiday
7pm | Taupō
Tuesday, 29 October
9am | Chapel | Taupō
Community Lunch
1pm | Café | Taupō (weekly during school term)
Youth Group
6pm - 7.15pm (Year 7&8) | Taupō (weekly during school term)
6.30 pm – 8pm (Years 9–13) | Taupō (weekly during school term)
Wednesday, 30 October
Alpha (In Person)
10am | Cafē | Taupō
Depth Charge Connect
10am | Dennis and Catherine Hancock’s place (weekly during school term)
Ave Connect | Rosary
11.30am | Church | Tūrangi
12noon | Church | Tūrangi
12.30pm | Church | Tūrangi
Fair-Weather Gardeners
12pm - 3pm | Taupō
Ave Connect | Rosary
7pm | Church | Taupō
Thursday, 31 October
9am | Chapel | Taupō
Purl Connect | Knitting Group
1pm | Café | Taupō
Endurance Connect | Men’s Group
7pm | Café (then weekly during school term)
Friday, 1 November | All Saints Day
9am | Church | Tūrangi
Mass (incl School Community)
12pm | Church | Taupō
Divine Mercy
3pm | Church | Taupō
Parish Movie Night | The Lion in Winter (Click for Trailer)
6.30pm | Church | Taupō
Saturday, 2 November | All Souls Day
9am | Chapel | Taupō
9.30am | Chapel | Taupō
Blessing of the Columbarium
10am | Columbarium | Taupō
Blessing of the Graves
10.30am | Cemetery | Taupō
Blessing of the Graves
4pm | Cemetery | Tūrangi
Vigil Mass
5pm | Church | Tūrangi
Sunday, 3 November: 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
5pm Saturday Vigil Mass, Tūrangi | 9am Mass, Taupō
PACT - First Communion Prep
10am | Taupō
Prayer for Life
10am | Taupō
Divine Mercy
3pm | Taupō
Monday, 4 November
7pm | Taupō
Monday Café
7.30pm | Taupō
Tuesday, 5 November
9am | Chapel | Taupō
Community Lunch
1pm | Café | Taupō (weekly during school term)
Youth Group
6pm - 7.15pm (Year 7&8) | Taupō (weekly during school term)
6.30 pm – 8pm (Years 9–13) | Taupō (weekly during school term)
Parish Welcome Evening
7pm | Taupō
Wednesday, 6 November
Alpha (In Person)
10am | Cafē | Taupō
Depth Charge Connect
10am | Dennis and Catherine Hancock’s place (weekly during school term)
Ave Connect | Rosary
11.30am | Church | Tūrangi
12noon | Church | Tūrangi
Fair-Weather Gardeners
12noon - 3pm | Taupō
12.30pm | Church | Tūrangi
Mahjong Connect (First Wednesday of the Month)
1pm | Cafe | Taupō
Ave Connect | Rosary
7pm | Chapel | Taupō
Thursday, 7 November
9am | Chapel | Taupō
Purl Connect | Knitting Group
1pm | Café | Taupō
Endurance Connect | Men’s Group
7pm | Café (then weekly during school term)
Friday, 8 November
Mass | Anointing of the Sick
12pm | Church | Taupō
St Vincent de Paul Lunch
12.30pm | Café | Taupō
Divine Mercy
3pm | Church | Taupō
Saturday, 9 November
9am | Chapel | Taupō
9.30am | Chapel | Taupō
Ministers for Sunday, 27 October
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time(B)
Every Tuesday at 1pm our fantastic team provide delicious food and outstanding hospitality for anyone in the Taupō community. Come along, invite a friend and enjoy our weekly community lunch. If you are interested in helping with this fantastic intiative contact Margaret Beck
Alpha isn't just a course to learn about Christiantiy. It's an opportunity to build community and to develop or deepen our relationship with God. Not sure about it? Here's some feedback from our last Alpha Course in July:
"It was a good relaxing way to learn about God and Jesus in a loving space. It was also a lovely experience for making friends and enjoying some laughter and I would like to attend again."
Catherine and Dennis Hancock host this fantastic group who deepen their faith through watching great Catholic video content and exploring it through discussion. Everyone is welcome to come and join them. If you're interested, contact Catherine: 027 662 8996.
Don’t our gardens look beautiful?! If you’re keen to lend a hand on a casual basis, to pull a few weeds, come along on a Wednesday anytime between 12noon and 3pm and join some of our gardening team.
E to matou Matua i te rangi,
Our Father in Heaven,
We bring before You all who work within New Zealand’s media.
We ask for Your blessing on the producers, directors, presenters, writers, journalists, editors, technicians, publishers and the vast array of others who make up our media.
Your Word instructs us to pray for people in places of responsibility. So God, to these media professionals, please grant wisdom and discernment.
Help media decision-makers and content-creators to be sensitive to the well-being of their audiences and our communities. Use their words, pictures and stories to move hearts and engage people’s minds towards goodness, truth and beauty. May their work bring healing, laughter and hope.
Ka īnoi mātou mō rātou te hāpai ō, me rātou hoki kei te tihi o te aroaro.
We pray for those behind the scenes and those in the spotlight.
Mō rātou kāore e mōhiotia ana, me rātou hoki e rongonui ana.
For the nameless, and the famous.
Ākina rātou kia whakamahia ā rātou pūkenga e hua mai ai ko te mārama i te pō, ko te whakamārie ki te hunga mamae, ko te harikoa ki te hunga mokemoke.
Prompt them to use their skills to shine light where there’s darkness, to comfort those who are suffering and bring joy to the lonely.
Ka īnoi mātou e tūwhera ai ngā ngākau ki Tō Wairua, e tahuri ai te hunga pāpāho ki a Koe kia riro ai i a rātou te māramatanga me te whakaoho.
We pray for an openness to Your Spirit, that those who work in the media would look to You for wisdom and inspiration.
May we, as followers of Christ, be slow to criticise - and instead seek to uplift, love and bless. Help us, when we experience media that is destructive or divisive, to maintain a constructive attitude of respect and prayer. May we always see others as You see them.
By Your grace, we pray for our media to be raised to its highest purpose; to be a vehicle for good, for enlightenment and truth, and the flourishing of all people.
Lord, make our media a blessing in this nation.
Ki te ingoa o te Matua, o te Tama, o te Wairua Tapu
We pray all this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ
Āmene / Amen
Ahead of the 2025 Jubilee, Pope Francis has inaugurated a Year of Prayer.
Click the image to explore the Diocese of Hamilton Year of Prayer Resources