Sunday, 23 February 2025
7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Questions for the Week:
FIRST READING: 1 SAMUEL 26:2,7-9,11-13,22-23
King David exercised great restraint in sparing the life of Saul. Can you think of a time when you had to take the high road with a friend or co-worker?
Paul speaks of present-day believers as one day bearing the image of Christ (the “heavenly one”). How often do you think about your future life in heaven?
GOSPEL: LUKE 6:27-38
Jesus presents his followers with some very challenging morals: love your enemy, do not retaliate, and always be willing to forgive. Does this high moral standard seem possible for you personally?
A Word from Fr Danny:
Twice today, in the Gospel, we hear: “Love your enemies.” But what does that really mean? Was Our Lord loving His enemies when He allowed them to destroy His body on the cross? When He drove the money changers out of the Temple? When He rebuked the Pharisees, saying:
“Serpents, brood of vipers, how can you escape being condemned to hell?” (Matthew 23:33)
These actions may seem hard to reconcile with love—especially when Christ also says today:
“Do not judge, and you will not be judged yourselves; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned yourselves … the amount you measure out is the amount you will be given back.”
Christ’s words invite us to a deeper love—one that isn’t passive but stands for truth, even in conflict.
- Fr Danny
Here’s what's happening
Sunday, 23 February: 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
5pm Saturday Vigil Mass, Tūrangi | 9am Mass, Taupō
Sacrament of Penance
8.30am | Chapel | Taupō
Divine Mercy
3pm | Taupō
Monday, 24 February
7pm | Taupō
Tuesday, 25 February
9am | Chapel | Taupō
Youth Group
6pm-7.15pm (Year 7&8) | Taupō (Weekly during school term)
6.30pm-8pm (Year 9-13) | Taupō (Weekly during school term)
Wednesday, 26 February
Depth Charge Connect
10am | Dennis and Catherine Hancock’s place (weekly during school term)
Ave Connect | Rosary
11.30am | Church | Tūrangi
12pm | Church | Tūrangi
Fair-Weather Gardeners
12pm - 3pm | Taupō
Ave Connect | Rosary
7pm | Chapel | Taupō
Thursday, 27 February
9am | Chapel | Taupō
Purl Connect | Knitting Group
1pm | Café | Taupō
Endurance Connect | Mens Group
7pm | Café | Taupō
Friday, 28 February
12pm | Church | Taupō
Divine Mercy
3pm | Church | Taupō
Saturday, 1 March
9am | Chapel | Taupō
Sacrament of Penance
9.30am | Chapel | Taupō
Sunday, 2 March: 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time
5pm Saturday Vigil Mass, Tūrangi | 9am Mass, Taupō
Sacrament of Penance
8.30am | Chapel | Taupō
Seek | Baptism Preparation
after 9am Mass | Taupō
Prayer for Life
10am | Chapel | Taupō
Divine Mercy
3pm | Taupō
Monday, 3 March
7pm | Taupō
Tuesday, 4 March
9am | Chapel | Taupō
Youth Group
6pm-7.15pm (Year 7&8) | Taupō (Weekly during school term)
6.30pm-8pm (Year 9-13) | Taupō (Weekly during school term)
Wednesday, 5 March | Ash Wednesday
Mass | Taupo
9.15am | Church | Taupō
Ave Connect | Rosary
11.30am | Church | Tūrangi
Mass | Turangi
12pm | Church | Tūrangi
Fair-Weather Gardeners
12pm - 3pm | Taupō
Mass | Taupo
7pm | Church | Taupō
Thursday, 6 March
9am | Chapel | Taupō
Purl Connect | Knitting Group
1pm | Café | Taupō
Endurance Connect | Mens Group
7pm | Café | Taupō
Friday, 7 March
12pm | Church | Taupō
Divine Mercy
3pm | Church | Taupō
Stations of the Cross
7pm | Church | Taupō
Lenten Reflection
7.30pm | Church | Taupō
Saturday, 8 March
9am | Chapel | Taupō
Sacrament of Penance
9.30am | Chapel | Taupō
Vigil Mass | 1st Sunday of Lent
5pm | Church | Tūrangi
Ministers for Sunday, 23 February
The Presentation of the Lord
Don’t our gardens look beautiful?! If you’re keen to lend a hand on a casual basis, to pull a few weeds, come along on a Wednesday anytime between 12noon and 3pm and join some of our gardening team.
This Lent, embark on a journey of Metanoia—a transformative change of heart inspired by the Gospels. We will gather on Fridays at 7.30pm in lent to support our daily reflections with group discussions.
Do you feel called to respond to the invitation of Our Lady Queen of Peace to be with her in Medjugorje? Millions of pilgrims have responded and have experienced an extraordinary, grace-filled pilgrimage. Join Mir Pilgrimages and chaplain Fr Joy Thottamkara on a group pilgrimage departing 22 May 2025 for 10 fulfilling days and nights experiencing 'Medjugorje In-Depth'. See your parish noticeboard or call Patricia Parsons on 027 421 9064.
Ahead of the 2025 Jubilee, Pope Francis has inaugurated a Year of Prayer.
Click the image to explore the Diocese of Hamilton Year of Prayer Resources